Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from April 2023, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Kaspa Pool Addition — Midaspool

Crypto mining with a golden touch. Midaspool Midaspool has launched a PPLNS mining pool for Kaspa. Midaspool has support for four blockchains planned with Kaspa as its first pool. Reasons to mine Kaspa on the Midaspool PPLNS (Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares) Scheme — Midaspool...
Kaspa Solo Mining Tutorial by AvogHadro

Kaspa Solo Mining Tutorial by AvogHadro

A tutorial on how to solo mine on Windows. Solo Mine Your Node Solo mining is a great way to improve the Kaspa network’s decentralization while earning rewards, avoiding pool fees, and bypassing third parties. By solo mining, you have complete control over your mining...
Kaspa Solo Mining Tutorial by AvogHadro

Kaspa CLI Wallet Tutorial by AvogHadro

A tutorial on installing a CLI Wallet on Windows. CLI Wallet with Kaspad Now that we have gone through the process of syncing a kaspad node, we will create and use a command line interface(CLI) wallet using kaspawallet.exe in the list of programs in kaspad. While your...